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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Facebook for work?`

These days most employers are trying as hard as they can to prevent employees from using social networking sites. But recently I have used it for the benefit of the firm, we had a client who had moved away then back again but had no way of contacting them when they needed work done, one quick search on facebook, and bam we're in contact of course it wont work all the time, say for instance a guy named John Smith, but it is something to think about before banning it all together from you workplace.


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Twitter has worms!

Twitter had a worm! get some pills. Actually no but the Teen who unleashed this worm on Twitter could be in big trouble. Micheal Mooney, the creator of the worm programmed it in such away that is would send message so other twitter accounts all the while advertising his own twittersque web site. Apparently he's not big on subtlety. Or maybe he didn't think it would get that big. But when you go attacking one of the fastest growing web sites on the net today your going to get noticed.


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Fm 96 Interference

The Local radio station FM96 has been experiencing some "interference" this morning, but don't worry if you look at your calendar you'll see what day it is and realize its an April fools day joke. So don't get too concerned, have a good day and don't be too gullible today!